Our Work
“All inequality is not created equal”. - Kimberlé Crenshaw

BT Global
Black communities driving change
We are building a network of Black-led community organisations and leaders across the areas we work in that have articulated the changes in systems conditions that will enable Black people to thrive.
We are sharing and publishing the learning across all our work and throughout our journey at our Black Thrive Community Assemblies and other forums to inform, consult, engage and involve Black individuals and communities that represent the full spectrum and intersections of Blackness such as national origin, gender, age, disability, faith, class and sexual orientation.

BT Global
Knowledge construction, dissemination and acquisition as a communal process
Led by our Black Thrive Research Institute we are focusing on Black-led research and research from a Black-lens. We facilitate communities exploring how to measure what matters to them (tangible or otherwise) and develop community “metrics” to sit alongside existing metrics and challenge the norms and knowledge production of the system – upon which current public policy, practice and resource allocation are built. This is our foundation for decolonising the evidence landscape.
Our research places the lived experience of the community at the forefront of knowledge production so that the real issues are shaped by the outcomes and actions that Black communities want to see. We also host events that provide an opportunity for people to connect with others who wish to take action on inequalities and build on the learning from the journeys of Black people who have succeeded against the odds.

BT Global
Community-led systems change
We are outlining a model of systems change from a Black perspective building on the Water of Systems Change and work done in Canada by the Tamarack Institute. We recognise that this work is nuanced and will look different depending on the contexts of the locality we are working in.
Our knowledge and resources are shared with public sector and third sector organisations so that their knowledge of Black communities is stronger, less racist and more authentic. We will also be allocating funds to Black individuals and Black-led grassroots organisations with good ideas for action that will transform the Black experience from surviving to thriving. We understand that investment goes beyond financial resources and so we also aim to provide capacity-building support.